
Here you will see my development of my own work or ones from College/Uni or live briefs I am working on. this will be showing sketches, rough ideas to final ideas.

Working on using my graphic table on photoshop 

Birthday Card Design
for my friends birthday
The idea came to me one day as I was walking to the shops
 ( it funny when an idea pops up in your head some times)

The concept is my friend who is in the chair and relaxing because it is her birthday, along with her partnerwho is designed to be a slave for a day. This card is more of a personal design but also to be fun as well, which i mean by that on your birthday you should get waited on by your partner
( Its just a funny card but personal to me and my friends because we know each other so well.)  
I took sometime to get my drawings of the human form right and how things such as the pose or what facial feature I will go with.
getting better at the figure pose
Main character
The chair was just a simple shape because you was not going to see much of it do to the sitting character.

these where the character designs for the second figure I wanted it to be fun and interesting so I went from a bunny girl to the final idea of a maid.

final maid drawing.
( !!Go to finished art work to see the finished piece!!)

8-bit hoodie challenge
Off DeviantArt 

The challenge was to design a 8 bit image for a hoodie that DeviantArt would sell on their website. As in 8-bit it means using square blocks that hold one colour , a good example would be 'Super Mario' for the NES (Nintendo Entertainment System).

The design must be a creative design and will not be allowed to use copyright imagery. So i have done some design for this challenge and here is the development work for it.
These are just simple sketch ideas.

(this is the template that DeviantArt gave out the place the designs on)

(See final designs go to finished artwork)

Digital Painting Illustration of A Friend
One of my friends asked me if i could do them a drawing of them , but knowing the style I work in I tried my best and came out with a good piece of work.

I started my sketching over the photo that was given to me my this person along with some colours tones, ready to paint with later on.

I developed a range of sketches because I was not happy yet with the look of the outline, until I designed the final one that felt right.

 This design I felt was a grand piece of outline work but still felt that it was just a sketch.

The final outline.

At this point i began to colour the drawing in, by using the brush tool with my wacom tablet. This is where the pen pressure came in handle so i could get the right levels of tone, shading, and thickness I wanted for the panting.

 There is the finished piece where i used the photo background and added a filter so the painting could stand out for the background. 

This was a great task for me because I need more practice with the wacom tablet and learn about using it right to get perfect outlines and to colour as well.

( To see finished piece go to Final Art Work)

Birth Day Card Design
Based on the phone game 'Angry Birds'

I thought the birds needed to stand out more so I added a shadow to them, which turned out nicely, as to make them pop a little off the page.

Inside the card

(See final designs go to finished artwork)

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